I had the privilege to take ENC1101 with Prof. Jimmie Barrett last semester, and I thoroughly enjoyed her as well as her teaching. I feel that one of things I gained from her class was confidence in my writing. Since it was my first ever college class, I had no idea what to expect. I was used to having a teacher take me step by step through all my papers and having my teacher grade rough drafts. However, Professor Barrett only graded one copy of our papers with the grade we received being the final. I also feel like she has encouraged me to read more. Nearly every story we were assigned was incredibly vivid and lively.
Almost every week we were assigned a list of 10 vocabulary words to memorize and be quizzed on. Some were given in order to broaden our vocabulary while some were to explain different technical terms of writing. Also, 5 essays that covered a variety of styles were due periodically throughout the semester. Several classes were spent discussing stories in our groups and discussing reading comprehension questions with the class.
I believe I will need more assistance in my quality of writing. Though I've become more confident, I'm still skeptical of my ability. Since I've spent a few years on the yearbook staff at my high school, I have grown a love for journalism. I wish to become a yearbook adviser and/or a journalist as my career, so writing will be key to help me excel.
Great start. Your blog looks nice! Welcome to blogging!