Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Comfort Zone

     Comfort. It’s something everyone enjoys. Whether it’s a comfy hoodie one never takes off or if it’s a certain pair of shoes that one person will only wear, comforting things give people good feelings. However, to get somewhere in life, most of the time you have to leave your comfort zone. Of course, it’s not comfortable. Stepping out requires taking risks which may be nerve wracking, but the rewards surely outweigh the fears. Though the author is unknown, one person quoted, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” One can step out of his comfort zone in numerous ways, but three of the easiest and most common are broken down and explained throughout.
            One of the simplest ways to being reaching out of your comfort zone is to try new things. Not in the sense of someone afraid of heights going skydiving, but rather trying a new exercise or a new game to play with your family (“Step Out of Your Comfort Zone”). The main reason people do not like to step outside of their comfort zone is fear. They have a fear of the unknown (“Trying New Things”). When one is faced with the challenge of finding something new, there are several guidelines to assist him. One must first build up the courage. Once it has all been mustered up, one can almost be unstoppable (“Trying New Things”). With trying new things, the possibilities of finding new enjoyments begin to broaden (“Trying New Things”). Even still, finding new enjoyments will keep one from being bored with the mediocrity of the same ole, same ole (“Trying New Things”). Also, trying something new forces one to grow, and that means growing out of one’s comfort zone (“Trying New Things”).
            Secondly, stepping out of your comfort zone requires the use of imagination. The imagination not only exercises the mind, but it also is an unlimited source of knowledge and energy (“Step Out of Your Comfort Zone”). Your imagination is one of the greatest things your mind can use. It can be used to create and produce new things, characters, and fantasies. The trick to using it is to think of things that don’t already exist (“How To Use Your Imagination”). Even though kids are known for vivid imaginations, adults have the same realm in which the can imagine (“How To Use Your Imagination”). Some of the various ways to jog your imagination include spending time with children, creating new superheroes and villains, and imagining journeys animals or people may encounter (“How To Use Your Imagination”). The ways to use your imagination to step outside of your thinking comfort zone are truly endless.
            Furthermore, positive thinking is one of the most necessary aspects of stepping out of your comfort zone. When one fills his mind with negative thoughts, the opportunity of expanding his horizons begins to wane. Training your brain to think positively opens up a multitude of doors leading to success and greatness (“The Power of Positive Thinking”).  Remez Sasson, author of the article “The Power of Positive Thinking”, quotes, “Positive thinking is a way of life” (“The Power of Positive Thinking”).  Both positive and negative thoughts are contagious. However, positive thoughts attract people in an encouraging way (“The Power of Positive Thinking”).  Some ways to begin thinking positively include the following: ignoring the negative things others say about you, learning to utilize your imagination, smiling more often, and speaking positive words in your everyday dialogue (“The Power of Positive Thinking”). 
            All in all, stepping out of your comfort zone proves to be a meticulous process that offers rewarding results. There are many other techniques to try besides the three previously described. However, one cannot reach outside his comfort zone overnight. This process requires one to be persistent in striving towards the goal. Finding articles to read or people that are willing to guide you will genuinely help you reach the point you desire. How are you going to step out of your comfort zone?


  1. I really enjoyed reading your essay. You had some great ideas for stepping out of your comfort zone. Many time that is all that keeps us from accomplishing our dreams. We like to be comfortable and to do something different can be extremely hard. Great job!
